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Insurance for your Cyber Liability and Data Breach Risk starts here

We have partnered with the premier insurance providers in the market to bring you the best in class insurance protection for your unique cyber and data breach risk exposures.

To get started, click the link below. You'll be able to see actual quoted premiums.


Cyber Liability is one of the most under served risk segments for small business

As a small business owner you most likely already have certain kinds of insurance in place, such as General Liability, Workers Comp and maybe even a Business Auto policy. You see, these policies are usually purchased because someone required it of your business.

Maybe a landlord, a bank or a municipality required you to show proof of one of these basic insurances before you could get your keys or receive your license.

While these basic types of insurance are crucial to protecting your business, none of them adequately covers the emerging threats related to Cyber Liability and Data Breach

A lot of General Liability policies, or Business Owner Policies (BOPs), will throw in a small amount of coverage for Cyber & Data, usually $50K or less. The problem is that the coverage offering is extremely limited in what is covered and excluded.

To correctly protect yourself from today's exposures you are better served by having a separate Cyber & Data policy. You will get better coverage terms at a lower cost.

Broad Coverage options

Our policy offers the following options that you can custom tailor to fit your operation.

  • Cyber Incident Response
  • Cyber Crime
  • System Damage and Business Interruption
  • Network Security & Privacy Liability
  • Media Liability
  • Tech E&O
  • Court Attendance Costs
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