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We’re Moving to a New Office – Sandhill & E Flamingo office clients

We’re happy to announce that our office will be moving to a new location. Our new location will allow for more support from other team members and ultimately better customer service for you, our clients.

Here are some important details for you.

New Location: 6290 South Rainbow Blvd (Northeast corner of South Rainbow & Post Rd, just north of the 215).
Advance Insurance & Benefits NV, Inc
When: Monday, 11/22, will be our first day at the new location. Friday, 11/19, will be our last day at our current location.
Phone: 702-436-6141
Ruth Buban – ruth@advancenv.com
Randy Montgomery – randall@advancenv.com
Bessie Lawelawe – bessie@advancenv.com
New Texting Number: We will also be able to receive text messages at 702-710-0961. These messages will be quickly answered by a team member, and can be forwarded to your agent.
Payments: We know that a small number of clients were used to bringing their payments into the office in person and we can still accept cash payments at our new location. We also have the ability to securely take electronic payments by phone and text.

Request Your Proposal Here

Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Advance Insurance & Benefits is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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